Magisterial Archetypes in the Kyanite Alliance III. – Merchant

Our third archetype is Gemini. After the calm and considered Taurus, Gemini is a real rolling stone who possesses outstanding communication skills, despite being sometimes a little deconcentrated. Every bit of the Gemini reflects the air element. And who could represent its qualities better than magistra Balthamos Levitas, master of the languages?

Magisterial Archetypes in the Kyanite Alliance II. – Lover

The column of Magisterial Archetypes continues after the fiery Aries with the Taurus. How is the developmental process of this calm zodiac sign that keeps their feet always on the ground? How could magister Septimo Voluptas get along with this?

How Do Salutarises Heal

If you have read the article about members of the four main families in my book and the ancient elements connected to them, you might wonder how their training looks exactly. This topic is especially interesting in the case of healers who have to acquire very diversified knowledge.

Magisterial Archetypes in the Kyanite Alliance I. – Warrior

This time I’m launching a new topic of the Warlock-Mysteries column. I will introduce the twelve astrological archetypes embodied by the masters of the Kyanite Alliance and the development process connected to them. This way leads from the instinctive level through the self-conscious level to the spiritual level. First I’m introducing the stations of Ariesness […]

The Power of the Four Elements in the Service of the Kyanite Alliance

As I have mentioned earlier, the four elements have a special importance among the doctrines of the Kyanite Alliance. Fire, earth, water and air are connected very strongly to one of the main families sorceresses and mages can join after accomplishing the Trial of Elements.

The Magical Creating Power of New Year’s Resolutions

What would you do differently in 2021? Some people think that New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time and they focus only on the party on 31th December. However, if we take a look at the deeper meaning of the resolutions, we can see how important it is to set goals and intentions for the new year.

The Uniting Force of a Shared Faith

Now in this period after Christmas and in the middle of the Celtic light ceremony, I’m sharing with you some background information related to this topic. This week you can take a look at the religion practiced and traditions followed by members of the Kyanite Alliance.

Love between the Wanderers of the Planes of Existence

This week I’m returning to posts with background information related to The Kyanite Alliance. This one is a very popular topic, namely: is having a long-term relationship and a family possible in an order whose members are constantly travelling?

Put an End to Dystopia!

I envisioned the island of Roanaa as a truly beautiful and special, almost utopian world. But what happens when one is forced to live in the exact opposite of it? Let’s take a look at the specifically distopian world where the story begins and where our heroine, Kyra comes from !